Thursday, August 23, 2012

Picture Your Baby! Questions?

photo credit:
I have gotten so many emails asking for the kind of pictures Mini & Me is wanting. It's your choice! Keep in mind that the label is for a Lavender based Room and Linen Spray; creating a calming and relaxing enviroment for your child. I do not have a deadline yet as I am putting together a wish-I-could-win-it-myself prize package .

The finalists will be chosen by an advertising representative from a firm here in San Antonio. There will be no names or photographer credits on the pictures turned over to the judge and no employee of the firm is eligible (sorry). Finalists will be posted on Facebook for voting by our fans. In order for the votes to count, each person must have "liked" our Facebook page.

I would love to be the mom that walks in the store and says "that's my baby" as I pick up the spray and show everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) in the store, because I would. I would go overboard without shame. Going up and down every isle making sure every customer recognizes the beauty and talent of my very beautiful child as I remind them of Drew Barrymore as the little girl in the Coppertone ad. Sad, I know, but true.

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