Monday, September 10, 2012

I Love My Face Cream! Hands Down The Best There Is!
I have sandpaper diabetes skin, dry and flakely. Years of Fun & Sun summers and not thinking I needed to take care of my skin have taken it's toll. In additioin to that I have what I call "drivers side age spots."
Anyway, all this to say that I have spent some money on face creams. I think I have tried them all, in all price ranges. I have bought out ULTA, Lord & Taylor's, Neiman's, Macy's and Walgreens, but narrowed it down to two that worked well on my face.

Lancer, a product only available at Nordstroms (1.6 oz / $50)  and ANEW (1.7 oz / $32.00) available only from Avon. Both have helped my skin more than I ever thought possible. They are both good products, but I have two problems: they both leave something on top of my skin, (I had never noticed until I started using natural products. Once you use good natural and organic products, it is amazing how you notice the difference) and they are full of chemicals.

Since we now make natural and organic skin care, we went to work on making the best natural anti-aging, skintone evening, moisturizing, exfoliating, collegen stimulating, hydrating face cream that could be made.

While researching, I learned that I was wasting my money on the high-priced Vitamin C creams. The shelf life of Vitamin C is only about 30 days! I was so dissappointed. I knew then it is not the Vitamin C that was being absorbed into my skin and helping it, it was chemicals. (Sad face)

I also learned that the chemical drying agents and preservatives are designed to stay on top of my skin and make it feel smooth. In some cases, ingredients are used that "fill in" the wrinkles, cracks and crevices on top of your skin instead of exfoliating and stimulating collegen and elastin production from the inside! I was being cheated. Yet another reason to make my own for our brand.

We did it and it is awesome! It took a few trials to find the one that is awesome. We have since brought it a few steps further by making one that is beneficial for people who are allergic to Vitamin C, one that is anti-inflammatory for people with special issues like acne or Rosacea, and one super hydrating for those with painfully dry skin.

10% Vitamin C Face Cream by Addictives
We make these by special order now. 10% Vitamin C Face Cream (2 oz / $30). When an order is placed we make it, fill the order and then offer the remainder for sale for a limited time. So if you see a batch for sale on our website, Etsy store, Facebook or here, you will know it is fresh and still has plenty of life! If orders exceed what we have made, we will make another batch.

If you are looking for a "make me look younger, skin feel smoother, healthier, more even, brighter, firmer" give us a try. Have special skin issues? Send us an email or leave a comment below.

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